Ecommerce Blog Content Strategy- Kapiva

Brand: Kapiva

Industry: Ecommerce, Health (Ayurveda)

Objective: To capture the organic search demand for Ayurvedic solutions, hacks, and health tips


  • Lot of existing thin content;
  • Poorly optimized and duplicate blogs;
  • Absence of content strategy around new solution categories and product launches

What we did: 

  • Update existing blog content of 30 blogs: remove duplicates, consolidate similar blogs into one piece, and improve the content quality using insights from the Google Search Console
  • Publish high-quality, in-depth content around the benefits of main Ayurvedic herbs like Amla, Triphala, Apple Cider Vinegar, and more
  • Target high-volume, top-of-the-funnel keywords around the core solution areas to raise awareness like Ayurveda for weight loss, tulsi for skincare, home remedies for heartburn, etc.
  • Develop a template to come up with blog ideas with every product launch to capture the top of the funnel search demand. For example, for a product launch of Shilajit, we targeted topics around men’s health like how to improve stamina, best ayurvedic herbs for vigour, etc.

Results: Scaled the blog traffic from ~1K to 30K in 5 months with an average conversion rate of 2% (measured on the basis of users going to category/product pages from blog)

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