3 Atomic Essays, Tubes of Expectation, Self-discipline through self-acceptance
Hello friend
Last weekend, I completed writing and publishing 30 atomic essays in 30 days.
It was part of a cohort-based digital writing course called Ship30for30.
I mainly wrote about writing, SEO, PKM, and marketing with a few essays on books and emotional health.
Sharing 3 of the most well-received essays below:
- The Secret Sauce to Supercharge Your Writing & Communicate with Your Customers in their Voice
- Writing to Content Marketing- 5 Areas Where You Must Focus
- 5 Ways to Use Obsidian for Productivity & Personal Growth
Tweet of the Week: Tiny Tubes of Expectation
Have you ever felt burdened by things you must/should be doing?
The burden is either due to your own expectations or the projection/mind-reading of other people’s judgments.
Here is the visualization this tweet thread recommends:
Imagine this burden as millions of tiny tubes attached to your body.
Each tube is an expectation draining away the vitality and energy from your body.
Now visualize detaching those tubes & see what happens.
As per the author of the thread, the interesting thing is one could feel relaxed by not “removing the tubes” but by just noticing that they are attached in the first place and remember that it is possible to remove them.
Article of the Week: Self-Discipline through Self-Acceptance
This article is written by Mark Manson, the author of the popular book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.
The main premise of the article is that the key to self-discipline is not willpower but self-acceptance and resolving shame by working through emotions.
It is about delinking our personal failures from moral failures and self-judgments.
You are not a horrible human being if you relapsed.
Or ate a bucket of ice cream to numb uncomfortable emotions.
The behaviour is just an indicator- a signal to address the underlying issue.
It is important to work through those emotions and find ways to feel good about positive behaviours like going to the gym or eating healthy.
That’s all from me this week!
Until next time
PS: Watch out for the next two editions- they are going to be special ones! 😉
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